SUNDAYS WITH SHARON I missed last weeks!!!

I‘ll be traveling today back to California from St. Petersburg, Florida, where I attended the NINC conference. One of the topics that snagged my interest was the future of interactive media and the role of audio books, but not the audio books we know of today. We’re talking audio books with multimedia platforms. Imagine yourself being able to “read” a story, and then with the press of a button, being able to get background information about the world you were reading or listening to, or the characters, past plots or characters or worlds. Much like an “online magazine” this could be done as a subscription service. Suppose you were able to learn about love, romance, learn about writing romance, or the love story behind the love story in film, song and the written word.

RCA 45EY26-1What we have to look forward to is innovation. The changes that occurred in the music business are now happening in the digital print business, where thousands of new Indie books are made available every day. Authors are re-releasing and freshening up old works that sat on a shelf somewhere. Books that were once thought of as not commercially viable by “gatekeepers” are now allowed to find their own audience. In this new age and time, being the biggest isn’t necessarily the best. Being traditional doesn’t have the security blanket it once had. Making a good living is just as important a goal as being the next best E.L. James or Stephanie Meyer. In this interesting time, creativity and innovation are more important than size. That’s what the Indie revolution has been all about.

I have begun a quest for innovation and am looking to get involved in this new multimedia platform. There are innovators out there right now who are going to bring you new things you haven’t even imagined yet. An author may not just be a person sitting in their writing cave putting words on the page, but also someone who collaborates with actors, storytellers in voice and film, people who can enhance the story experience. Reading will be combined with listening and research. Think of what we do today with our favorite online magazines. We see audio clips, pictures, hear narrations and can search archives of past related topics, some of them preselected based on IMG_9166our interests.

Nothing will replace a good, physical book. Just like there isn’t anything that could completely duplicate the sheer joy I had in listening to my little record player as a child. My friend, J.D. Hart, sent me an antique machine that could very well have been the one I used to listen to. It reminds me that joy is derived through many mediums. The goal of the artist is to connect the “consumer” with the vision in the artist’s head.

And who will be these innovators? As was said in the conference, it won’t be from the people up on stage or teaching a class or on a panel discussion. It will be from the imagination of people in the audience who will watch and listen, and come up with something new and exciting. Who will say to themselves and their collaborators, “Why Not?”

There is no formula for success. But one thing I do know for certain is that we don’t chase it.



NYT and USA/Today and Amazon Top 100 Bestselling Author Sharon Hamilton’s SEAL Brotherhood series have earned her Amazon author rankings of #1 in Romantic Suspense, Military Romance and Contemporary Romance. Her characters follow a sometimes rocky road to redemption through passion and true love. Her Golden Vampires of Tuscany earned her a #1 Amazon author ranking in Gothic Romance.


A lifelong organic vegetable and flower gardener, Sharon and her husband live in the Wine Country of Northern California, where most of her stories take place.

A Look Inside The Weekend Surprise by Ella Jade

please check this hot Read out

S.J. Maylee

You might have read here before that I’m an Ella Jade fan. I enjoy her books because they give me that perfect escape filled with temptation, passion, and the anticipation of the famous question of will they or won’t they make it to their happily ever after. She always delivers and the sequel to The Weekend Proposition is another beautiful example.

In The Weekend Surprise, we get to know the other Cannon brother, Tyler. He picks up Sammy at the bar during a wedding reception. The chemistry between them is undeniable. The instant spark leads them to some of the most tempting and tantalizing scenes. Yum! Tyler likes to talk dirty too. I honestly can’t pick which Cannon brother I like best. It’s one hot Cinderella story. Ella Jade really delivers on this one. The story continues with a fabulous twist and turn and a satisfying ending too. It’s another 5-star read.

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Free Halloween Cookbook!

Marie Lavender- Multigenre Author

I have awesome news!  Solstice has put out a Halloween cookbook with new, scary stories and recipes by both Solstice Shadows and Solstice Horizons authors!

It is totally free, and if you contact me here or via social media with your email, I can send you the free e-book.  How exciting, right?  Here is the cover for your perusal.


Jump on this opportunity.  With 48 pages of Halloween stories and recipes, you can’t go wrong!  It even includes a story and recipe by yours truly. 😉

This is a great offer.  You can get some free recipes to try out this Halloween.  So, step up and I will send that to you!

As always, happy reading, readers!  🙂

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Pepper Winters Has a new Book! Check it out!

It’s been a little while since a post, so thought I’d do a quick recap on where I’m at.

For those who follow my facebook page, you’ll know that I’ve written over 190,000 words in 7 weeks. That’s a new personal best for me and I’m still not done yet. I’m currently working on three books: Ruin & Rule, Forbidden Flaws, and Indebted #2.

I’m very close to being finished with Ruin & Rule, which has to be handed into my publisher very soon, and then I can finish Indebted #2. (For those asking for a release date, I’m getting VERY close to releasing pre-order links and a release date.) Thanks so much for your patience!

I’ve been told by a few beta readers who have read Ruin & Rule, that it is shaping up to be my best work yet, so I’m super excited for that to release.


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MY Thoughts on this rainy Sunday

Not a Debbie downer here I believe in miracles probably more so than many people I know.  I have seen so much suffering in this life and in my own family however, I am here to say, we need to be brave and willing to say enough is enough. Our body is just our body, our soul will live on. The truth is putting someone through hell on earth for our own satisfaction is so selfish and so cruel. I would no do that to my dog, how could I do that to my own sister, my best friend whom I love with all my heart.

I ask that everyone please be in prayer for my family over the next weeks. We are told if we let her go that is about all she has left maybe 2 weeks. She is tired.

Lisa and family

SUNDAYS WITH SHARON I love these so much!


by Sharon



I’ve bought several colorful pieces of artwork over the past year that just make me happy looking at them. I bought this piece to celebrate the completion of another book. I knew when I first saw it, I had to have it. We decided to prominently display it in our living room. It was something that characterizes our family, and our family’s history. Since the words on the piece might be too small to see, I thought I’d list them in this post.



1. We do second chances.
2. We do grace.
3. We do real.
4. We do mistakes.
5. We do I‘m sorrys.
6. We do loud, really well.
7. We do hugs.
8. We do family.
9. We do love.

Sometimes I think we spend too much time thinking about the things that didn’t go right, when all the great lessons in life come from the things that go a little wrong. Sometimes that go a lot wrong. I’ve been spending a lot of time writing recently about family, or lack of family, and how that impacts a character in my story. My family is very important to me. And just like everyone’s it too is flawed. But yes, I believe in second chances, in being loud, in loving more than disapproving, making mistakes and being sorry.

I just thought I’d keep it simple today. Keep it real.

What about you?

~~Author Highlight – Charity Parkerson’s No-Rival Series book #5 – Unattainable @charityparkerso

Check out this Blog Tour! Click to View Full Story and enter Contest!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome Prizes!!!!!!!!!

My Family's Heart



Title – Unattainable
Series – No Rival
Author – Charity Parkerson
Genre – Erotica
Publication Date – 08/27/2014
Length (Pages/# Words) – 130/ 43,000
Publisher – Ellora’s Cave Publishing Inc.
Cover Artist – Publisher

unattainable (1)

Book 5 in the No Rival series

A career-ending injury leaves Brian reeling. With no clue what he’ll do now that his dream of becoming an MMA champion is over, he is shocked at an unexpected offer of help from a former champ.

Terry has seen the top and is happy with his life in retirement. However the chance to help a fellow fighter regain his dream is something he can’t resist.

When Brian accepts Terry’s offer, the sexual magnetism between them catches Brian off guard. Keeping his attraction hidden becomes a bigger challenge than regaining his strength. Plus, Terry’s mixed signals leave Brian frustrated and confused.

Though Terry is just as…

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Cover Reveal: Conceiving Evil by Jenna Fox

New and Exciting Book….Check it Out!

Once Upon An Alpha

Young woman with beautiful long brown hair posing at studio, pro

Title: Conceiving Evil

Author: Jenna Fox

Release Date: October 16, 2014

Genre: Erotic Thriller


So in love, so blinded by his charms, Abby never thought twice about danger. She just closed her eyes and walked right into the hornets’ nest, freely accepting the consequences that came with being Dorian’s One. A thirst for his love and attention were enough to satisfy her need

Like everyone else after the economic crash, Abby Torrance was struggling financially. But then Dorian Lincoln, a political and business icon, sweeps her off her feet and into a life of promise. He’s a man who has enough power to change the world for the better, a man who can give hope to the masses, a man who can give Abby a baby.

But the road to Hell is paved with good intentions and Abby is having strange dreams that seem both a warning and a…

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